Après avoir testé plusieurs solutions, j'ai fini par conclure que le plus simple pour générer du XML était de créer mes propres routines. Voici quelques fonctions très utiles pour générer du XML:
Function fRsToXml(rs As Recordset, Optional ignorePrefix As String = "zz", _ Optional ignoreNulls As Boolean = False) As String 'description: Returns an XML string with all fields of the current record, ' using field names as tags. ' Field names starting with "zz" (or other special prefix) are ignored 'parameters: rs: recordset (byRef, of course) 'author: Patrick Honorez - www.idevlop.com Dim f As Field, bPrefLen As Byte Dim strResult As String bPrefLen = Len(ignorePrefix) For Each f In rs.Fields If Left(f.Name, bPrefLen) <> ignorePrefix Then 'zz fields are ignored ! If (Not ignoreNulls) Or (ignoreNulls And Not IsNull(f.Value)) Then strResult = strResult & xTag(f.Name, f.Value) & vbCrLf End If End If Next f fRsToXml = strResult End Function
Function xTag(ByVal sTagName As String, ByVal sValue, Optional SplitLines As Boolean = False) As String 'description: Create an xml node and returns it as a string 'parameters: sTagName name of the tag ' sValue string to embed ' SplitLine True to include CrLf at the end of each line ' (optional - default = False) 'author: Patrick Honorez - www.idevlop.com 'note: Make sure sValue does not contains XML forbidden characters ! Dim strNl As String, intAmp If SplitLines Then strNl = vbCrLf Else strNl = vbNullString End If xTag = "<" & sTagName & ">;" & strNl & _ Nz(sValue, "") & strNl & _ "</" & sTagName & ">" '& strNl End Function
Function CleanupStr(strXmlValue) As String 'description: Replace forbidden char. &'"<> by their Predefined General Entities 'author: Patrick Honorez - www.idevlop.com Dim sValue As String If IsNull(strXmlValue) Then CleanupStr = "" Else sValue = CStr(strXmlValue) sValue = Replace(sValue, "&", "&") 'do ampersand first ! sValue = Replace(sValue, "'", "'") sValue = Replace(sValue, """", """) sValue = Replace(sValue, "<", "<") sValue = Replace(sValue, ">", ">") CleanupStr = sValue End If End Function
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